Current Research Collaborators


Prof. Dr. J. van Dieën – VU Amsterdam / Netherlands

- Integrative fall prevention studies -


Prof. Dr. S. Drum – Northern Michigan University / USA

- Clinical exercise training and non-clinical performance analyses -


Prof. Dr. Daniel Hahn – Ruhr University Bochum / Germany

          - Stretch Shortening Cycle in Rowing (ultrasound analyses) -


Prof. Dr. H. Hanssen – University of Basel / Switzerland

- Changes of retinal microcirculation upon exercise training -


Prof. Dr. A. Mündermann – University Hospital Basel / Switzerland

- Gait and sitting kinematics in healthy and clinical populations -


Prof. Dr. T. Siebert – University of Stuttgart / Germany

- Bilateral force deficit, compression and neuromuscular performance -


Dr. U. Stöcker – National Headcoach Elite Climbing / Germany 

- Forearm compression sleeves and blood flow restriction in elite sport climbing - 


Cand. Dr. E. Kurz – University Hospital Jena / Germany

          - Advanced EMG analyses  (muscle co-activity & coordination patterns) -


Prof. Dr. Wiebren Zijlstra – German Sport University / Germany

          - Stepping, Balance & Mobility in elderly people -